Last night my friends and I decided to take part in one of the most interesting culture offer in Austria. It sounds very spectaculary and yeah it was. First so funny with friends company and second we saw a lot of good exhibitions. Kathi had planed everything and Markus and I had just to follow her… She is planing genius…. So the after picking up Markus we went to the „Stadthalle“ were we lined up (not the last one) in the croud. Oh I forgot to explain. The night of the museums is an event , which is just one time in the year. All the museums are longer open until 12 or 1 o’clock. You need just one ticket for all the museums. There organized shuttle buses,which drive you around to the places. Of course no wonder that many people are around but it’s just great. Okay now I can go on. In the Stadthalle we just got the last 3 tickets for the exhibition, which called „Dialog im Dunkeln“ (dialog in darkness). You will tell you later one…
After getting time tickets we went to the chocolate museum…Of course the main reason was to taste and test the different choco…We were a littel bit in hurry so we tried as much we could. We enjoyed it how you can see. Running schocki, choco fontaine, chocolate with chilli…
Ute, Markus, Kathi
not to explain
I wanted all of them
The next stop was in the „naturhistorisches Museum“ „natural history museum“. We wanted to take part in an guidance. But at the end it wasn’t that we were expected so we walked around and saw massive insects…..Amazing I tell you.
About 13 cm long…brbrbrbrbr
In my past tense I must have been a lion??

Or a fancied peacock?

The unborn „star“ hmm what she/he would have been?

After the this museum we thought that we can’t miss the Albertina, where we could see Monet, Renoir, Cézanne, Chagall, Picasso, Modigliani, Matisse, Kandinsky, Sam Francis, Mark Rothko, Roy Lichtenstein,Francis Bacon.
We also were in gaudinnes rooms… so pretty…I was so fastinated by the lusters. miss downhill „magbie“, I love bling bling things… 

After that we were pretty tired but we wanted to make it to the dialog im Dunklen thing…We are the ones who stay on the course! YES- And we made okay not all because we didn’t have enough tickets. So Kathi and I could make it. It was a great experience. You walked around in 100% darkness area with a blindman’s stick. It was a realistic walk with forest, trees, zebra crossing, a bus drive, … I have very bad eyes (12diopter) and sometimes I thought about getting blind. Of course it scares me, who wouldn’t it. But after this night I’m really happy about my eyes and that I have my friends Kathi and Markus.