Wasn’t ment to be this time…

Everyday when I wake up and walk out of my room I see this World Champion jersey hanging on the side of my wardrobe. The white jersey with the colorful stripes are jumping straight in my eyes. Sadly it isn’t mine it’s Carolines‘. Caroline Buchanan the 3 times 4X World champ / 2 times BMX World champ and good friend of mine hanged it there. It was a gift from her for helping her out during her overseas time. I had never touched the jersey since. I just always looked at it and thought how great it would be if it would be actually mine.

And then 5 weeks ago I tried it on just to see how it looks and it looked and felt great. It totally gave me a motivation boost and I trained my a… off the last weeks. I thought „Helene you won the 4X overall two years in the row why not the World Champs, so train hard otherwise you will never know !“

The last weeks were not a easy I have to be honest. I pushed myself definitely over my limits and few jumps scared me a lot but I wanted to be as best as possible prepared for the pro Line in Val di Sole. I also worked with someone new together, a BMX/4 trainer from Czech Republic, who helped me a lot.

So the 21th August came closer and closer and because I am also just a human being and not a machine I got sick on Tuesday and had to take antibiotic. I guess because I trained so much and knew I would have a good chance for the title I was so nervous. I could hardly eat something and I could not sleep well. Afterwards a shame – because it cost me a lot energy- actually for nothing.

Because as soon as I stood in the gate I was so focused and my nervousness simply vanished and I just wanted to race and do my best.
My first heat went fine. My second heat, the important one to advance to the finals started well and ended bad. I had a great start and cut off Steffi Marth, but somehow I let it a little bit to open and she squeezed back in. Until the finish we battled hard but she advanced and I was out and so had no chance for the World Title anymore. For a short moment I was very angry about my stupid mistake, but that’s 4X and it doesn’t matter what plan or tactic you have in your mind you can be never sure about it when 3 others are next to you.

In the small final I raced against Romana Laboukova (CZE), who was also very strong gold medal contender, and I placed behind her in the 6th spot.

The final woman result:
1 Anneke Beerten (NED)
2 Lucia Oetjen (SUI)
3 Steffi Marth (GER)

To sum it up the 6th place wasn’t what I came for but I have to pick the things out I can be proud of and learn from them which I did wrong.

My next stop is now the Eurobike. See some of you there 🙂

Thanks to my FeChri,Florian Gärtner and Christian Donner for the pictures. Thanks to the mechanic Partick, my work colleague and friend, for helping me out and Jan for beeing my coach.

Thanks to my sponsors.

World Champs Val di Sole 2015

Rockstar Feeling



We arrived at the race ground (Jablonec CZE) on thursday afternoon, already a bite late, for training. But because I knew the track from last year quite well so it wasn’t really a big surprise for me. I took it easy and did some laps.

The days before were very stressful for me. I had to work from Monday to Wednesday, still managed to put in some training, packed and drove for 5 hours… so Friday I decided to stay in my room to relax the whole morning and it really paid off. My training in the afternoon worked well and so did my qualification run. I placed first with an advantage of 7,5 seconds.
Some of the girls crashed in their qualification runs, so I didn’t really know what my time meant. I just knew that I had the best gate pick and that I could protect my inside line very well.
I managed to do the same during my race runs. I had two good gates, was leading from the first turn on and could even increase my gap to the next rider. In my final heat the crowd was pumping and it was so loud that I had no idea, if the girls were close or far behind, so I raced as fast as I could, didn’t look back and even jumped the last big finish jump (which had caused me headache in training) – just to make sure nobody would pass me there.

I was so relieved to take the win home.

You can watch the whole replay on the link below.
Bildschirmfoto 2015-07-27 um 22.07.37

watch the replay here and you can see the women’s heats at 19:04 and the final at 19:23.




To sum it up it was a very stressful weekend for me – even though I won so clearly. In racing you never know what might happen. You can nail a section a million times, but when it matters most in the final race run something happens, you make that one mistake and suddenly you find yourself in the dirt watching the others pass you by in slow motion.

JBC Revelations is one of the most special races of the season on a unique track: There are a lot of sections, where you can mess it up and many sections where you can crash. Even the men were super stressed. I guess just 6 wanted to win and the rest of them just wanted to survive.

In the men’s class it was not a big surprise that Tomas Slavik won – also by a wide winning margin – followed by Quentin Derbier.

The final woman result:

1 Helene Fruhwirth
2 Simona Jirkova (CZE)
3 Natalia Piwowarczyk (POL)
4 Olga Ramzaykina (RUS)



Thanks to my Christian Fessl and Christian Donner for the pictures. Thanks to my sponsors.

And big thanks to Tomas Slavik and his event crew for everything.

Even if this event is mainly focused on the performance of men (“#grabyourballs”) with a testosterone-overkill when it comes to racing, this year the women got their own rider’s presentation, were interviewed and received big respect for what they were doing. This means a lot to me personally – because as one can imagine, it is still not common that women get treated the same as men in this extreme sport. 11728773_606290692807257_8713097008118968269_o



For the next three weeks I have no races planned. I want to concentrate on my jumping and sprint skills because I will need them for the World Champs in Italy ( Val di Sole – 20-22 August ) .
I wish all of you a pleasant August.


German Blog Entry at the Gravity Magazine 

Was tun, wenn man keine Eier in der Hose hat? #GRABYOURBALLS

Ja garnicht erst hinfahren? Am besten sich der Herausforderung garnicht erst stellen und Zuhause bleiben? Das dachten sich bis auf 28 Männer und 6 Frauen wahrscheinlich einige, wenns darum ging bei der 4x Pro Tour Round 4 (JBC REVELATION) mit zu fahren.

Kann man ihnen es verübeln? Ich glaube nicht. Denn, die von Tomas Slavik selbst designte und gebaute Strecke, hatte es so in sich und warf schon so manchen Biker aus dem Sattel. Wie zum Beispiel meinen Landskollegen Hannes Sklavik der letztes Jahr mit seinem Backflip/ Frontflip mega crash beim 2ten Pro Double einen sehr bleibenden Eindruck hinterließ, nämlich in den Köpfen der anderen Fahrern.

Am Donnerstag ging das ganze Spektakel bereits los. Training am späten Nachmittag stand am Programm. Ich kam auf Grund eines schweren Autounfalls auf der Landstraße zu spät. Keine Angst wir waren zum Glück nicht involviert.

Also hieß es am Anfang mal easy going und Linien anschauen. Nachdem ich die Strecke vom Vorjahr gut kannte, hatte ich jetzt keine großen Schwierigkeiten, denn für uns Mädls gabs eine Chicken Line bei den Mega Pro Doubles und selbst der Startdrop über das Gap wurde entschärft nachdem es da letztes Jahr schwere Deternationen gab.  Bei den Jungs sah das ganze schon schwieriger aus. Die hatten mit dem Wind und mit der Angst zu tun. Man konnte die Anspannung förmlich riechen und einige hoben sich die Pro Line für Freitag auf. Ich natürlich auch. Nein Spaß bei Seite die Pro Line würde ich „Stand heute“ sicher nicht springen. Am Abend fand dann noch die offizielle Eröffnung statt mit einer sehr netten Riders Presentation auf der Bühne mit einem etwas eigenartigen Kommentator, der lustig sein wollte, aber es dann am Ende nicht schaffte und einem mega Feuerwerk, dass in Österreich alle Sicherheitsregel brechen würde, die man sich nur vorstellen kann. Aber es war fett und wunderschön.

Am Freitag hieß es dann für mich einmal Vormittags ausruhen. Ich war einfach mega platt von meiner Woche. (Rennwochenende in Polen, Autofahrt, Arbeit, Training, Autofahrt , Renntraining) Am Nachmittag war ich dann wieder fit, fand aber ehrlich gesagt nicht ganz meinen Rhythmus. Der Qualifikationslauf war glaub ich mein schlimmster von diesem Jahr, aber anscheinend ging es den anderen Mädls ähnlich. Denn ich gewann ihn trotzdem. Bei den Herren war Tomas Slavik der schnellste gefolgt von einem Local mit einem Downhill Bike. Ja ein Downhill Bike richtig gelesen. Die Strecke war so ruppig, dass „Mann“ und „Frau“ ganz schön viel gut machen konnte mit einem Big Bike im Waldstück und im Rock Garden.

Ja und das war dann auch mein großes Bedenken am Samstag für den Finallauf. Simona, eine Local Downhill Tschechien, die ich nie zuvor gesehen hatte, die in der Quali stürtze, es somit keine aussagekräftige Zeit gab, und die ich auch im Training kein einziges mal sah weckte meinen Ehrgeiz alles zu geben und zu riskieren. Denn bis zu dem Zeitpunkt der Zieleinfahrt und dem Replay auf dem Screen im Ziel hatte ich keine Ahnung ob sie schnell ist oder sogar schneller als ich. Nachdem die Tschechischen Fans und Zuschauer total ausflippten und die Musik so laut war konnte ich nicht einmal hören ob jemand hinter mir fuhr und somit gab ich einfach alles bis ins Ziel. Wie ich dann am Replay sehen konnte, durfte ich mich am Ende über einen großen Vorsprung und einen verdienten Sieg freuen. Denn den Start hab ich getroffen, die Waldsektion sauste ich durch und den Zielsprung (der mir ehrlich gesagt Kopfweh verursachte weil er so komisch zum Springen war) sprang ich weit genug und safe.

So sah das Endergebnis aus:

1 Helene Fruhwirth
2 Simona Jirkova (CZE)
3 Natalia Piwowarczyk (POL)
4 Olga Ramzaykina (RUS)

Bei den Herren ging es schon viel wilder zu also bei uns Damen. Hannes Slavik hatte kurz vor dem Ziel einen Platten und zog somit nicht ins Finale ein. Blake Nilsen crashte durch Selbstverschulden am Wallride und zog auch nicht ins Finale. Der zweite von der Quali overshootete den 2 Pro Double, der nächste kam beim corner jump zu kurz und köpfelte über, der nächste blieb gleich beim Start hängen und stürzte ins Gap. Nur Tomas Slavik und Quentin Derbier lieferten einen spitzen Run nach dem anderen ab. Bis ins Finale wo dann am Ende the „Grab Your Balls Men“ himself Tomas Slavik die Nase vorne hatte und unter tobenden Geschrei und Gejubel den Heimsieg holte. Wie die Zuschauer abgingen kann man sich vorstellen, einfach nur abartig.

1 Tomas Slavik (CZE)
2 Derbier Quentin (CZE)
3 David Roberts (GBR)
4 Metcalfe Alexander (GBR)

Ein großes Lob und ein Dankeschön an die Crew von Tomas Slavik, die jedes Jahr so ein super Event auf die Beine stellen und einfach alles für den Sport und die Athleten/innen geben.


Ticked it of my list


I am definitely on a lucky strike. At the moment everything I touch just works. I really can get used to that. Fingers crossed that holds on until the World Champs.

Last weekend I compete at the 4x Pro Tour round 3 in Poland at exactly the track, where my life turned around two years ago. I don’t really know exactly what happened but I got told I jumped the double over the corner to short, hit it very bad with my back wheel and went over the bars straight on my head. Knocked myself out and woke up in the hospital. And there the doctors told me that there is something in my head which doesn’t look good and I should check it again in Austria with an MRT… what I did and since then lots of things happened and luckily everything turned out good at the end.
I don’t want to dig out the old story but just for the understanding this place / race and jump was something big for me and I was very afraid to go there and race there again. I was not sure if I would be able to overcome my fear and jump this jump again. Some of you maybe will ask „Why she is going there then and putting herself into this uncomfortable situation?“ To be honest I don’t know exactly – but I think I wanted to go back to this place to finish where all had started and end my thoughts about the brain surgery. Running away from fears is not my style of living.

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So I arrived there on Thursday evening with my boyfriend and on friday I practiced on the track. I felt good and of course tensed but motivated to jump this jump. I didn’t even ride once the „chicken line“ because this wasn’t an option for me. I know it sounds stupid but if I wouldn’t have jump the jump I probably would have started at all because this race was not about winning against the others it was more about competing against myself.
How you can see on the first picture I did it and so I did it in all my runs. I won the qualification and the final run too. I am vey proud of myself and after two years I can close the door behind me, lock it and throw the key away.

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Thanks to my boyfriend, who is helping me in every facet of my life and supporting me as much as he can.

The final result:
1 Helene Fruhwirth
2 Natalia Piwowarczyk
3 Michaela Berakova
4 Eva Katharina Brauer

My next stop is in Jablonec at the JBC 4x Revelation next weekend so come and watch if you are near it’s definitively on of the sickest stop of the 4x Pro Tour.



Bildschirmfoto 2015-07-20 um 11.46.04

Thanks to my Sponsors:


Triple Tension / NIVA! No DIVA Jam Session

Letztes Wochenende war ein ganz besonderes Event für mich. Nämlich die Niva! No Diva Jam Session in Saalbach Hinterglemm im Zuge des Glemmride Festivals. Für die, die es nicht wissen „NIVA“ wurde von Michèle Quint und mir, während unserem gemeinsamen Portugal Aufenthalt, ins Leben gerufen. Wir sind jetzt auch kein Team oder so was. Wir sind einfach zwei Downhill Fahrerinnen, die durch Zufall, nämlich den gleichen Rahmensponsor – Alutech – zu einander gefunden haben und auf der gleichen Welle surfen. Wir haben uns selbst das Ziel gesetzt gemeinsame MTB Projekte zu planen und umzusetzen. So wie diese jetzt- und ich kann stolz sagen es war der MEGA HAMMER.

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Normalerweise ist man als Top Downhill Racerin fast immer alleine auf der Strecke im Training und beim Rennen sowieso. Das Mädls gemeinsam fahren ist eher selten. Ich weiss nicht genau woran es liegt. Vielleicht daran dass wir am Ende des Tages doch nur Konkurrentinnen sind und jede gewinnen will? Aber es könnte so viel leichter sein wenn „Frau“ mehr zusammen halten und dieses ganze extreme Konkurrenzdenken auf Eis legen würde. Und so kam uns auch die Idee zum klassichen Fahrtechnik Training dieses Racecamp anzubieten. Mädls, die noch nie ein Rennen gefahren sind die Chance zu geben gemeinsam mit anderen Mädls und von mir begleitet und gecoached zu werden. Denn mit „alleine auf der Strecke herumkrebsen“ kommt man oft nicht sehr weit und der Spaß bleibt dann auch auf der Strecke und verstaubt hinter einem Anlieger.

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Tag 1 Vormittag : stand bei meiner Gruppe Anmeldung und Streckenbegehung am Programm. Und bei Gruppe Michèle stand den ganzen Tag Fahrtechniktraining am Programm (mehr Fotos hier).

Tag 1 Mittag: gemeinsames Zamsitzen der beiden Gruppen im Thomson



Tag 1 Nachmittag: Training auf der Pro Line.

Nach der ersten Abfahrt schwebte ein großes Fragezeichen über den Köpfen von Nicole, Linda und Melanie. Ehe sie was sagen konnten erklärte ich ihnen, dass die erste Abfahrt immer die schrecklichste sei. Selbst nach 16 Jahren Rennen fahren ist meine erste Abfahrt auch immer die Schlimmste. Man glaubt man hat das Biken verlernt und fährt wie der letzte Mensch auf Erden. Fahrt zwei verlief dann wie prophezeit sehr gut und Fahrt 3 dann noch besser und bei Fahrt vier strahlten sie über beide Ohren.

Am Ende des Tages bekamen sie auch noch eine kleine Hausaufgabe mit. Sie sollten die Strecke aus ihrem Gedächtnis aufzeichnen mit all ihren Sprüngen, Kurven und Wurzelpassagen, was sie alle sehr genau nahmen, wenn ich mir die Skizzen so ansah.


Tag 2:

Bevor es auf die Strecke ging schauten wir uns noch die Go Pro Videos an und besprachen nochmals die Linien. Super motiviert ging es dann auch schon los. Vielleicht zu? Ich weiß es nicht denn leider kam Melanie bei der ersten Abfahrt in dritten Kurve zu Sturz und verletzte sich am Knie. Sie musste abtransportiert werden und konnte somit auch nicht mehr am Rennen teilnehmen. Gute Besserung Melanie. Die beiden anderen Mädls Linda und Nicole bewiesen Nervenstärke und fuhren am Nachmittag einen souveränen Qualifikationslauf herunter. Ich war mächtig stolz auf sie, denn immerhin war es für Linda das erste Rennen und für Nicole ihr zweites. In der Quali fuhren beide in die Top Ten und ich auf den 3 Platz.

Tag 3:

An Sonntag gings dann zur Sachen und es hieß all das gelernte so gut wie möglich umzusetzen. Leichter gesagt als getan, aber ich kann mich als Trainerin nicht beschweren, denn sie lieferten ab wie echte Profis.

Nicole, die Ehrgeizige, redete ich noch ins Gewissen, von der Ersten Sekunden an echt absolut alles zu geben. Denn nach der Ziellinien ist „ach ich hatte noch Kraft. Ich hätte noch mehr können“ zu spät und fehl am Platz, wenn man Rennen fährt. Nicole gab definitiv alles, denn sie überholte sogar eine Fahrerin (die ihr leider wertvolle Sekunden kostete) und platzierte sich am Ende am 6ten Platz (mit einer Zeitverbesserung von 23 Sekunden).

Linda, die Nervenstarke, die am Freitag gar nicht glaubte, dass sie eine ganze Abfahrt schaffen wird racte runter wie ein Oberprofi. Sobald es um die Zeit ging und um Ziele war sie zu Dingen fähig von denen sie gar nicht wusste, dass sie es so gut schaffen wird. Linda verbesserte sich um einen Platz und 7 Sekunden. Respekt!



Als dann beide Mädls aus den Starthaus los pedalierten, und ich sie nach der ersten Kurve nicht mehr sah, hieß es für mich UMSWITCHEN ABER SCHNELL. Von der Trainerin zur Racerin. Und zum Glück konnte ich das auch auf Knopfdruck und ging mit meiner Troy Lee Design Speeda Leoparden Short auf die Jagd. Die Jagd nach der Bestzeit.

Aber ich muss ganz ehrlich zu geben einen Leistungsdruck verspürte ich schon ein Bisserl von mir selbst. Da zeigst den Mädls tagelang die Ideallinien und fährst dann vielleicht nicht aufs Stockerl? Kein Stockerl = keine guten Linien = Kompetenz Fail ?? Und somit gab ich alles und tritt mir die Lungen aus den Hals, pushte bei jeder Kurve raus, drückte die Sprünge, vermied so oft wie möglich die Bremse zu berühren, aber im Mittelstück fand sich dann mein Gesäß/Oberschenkel kurzzeitig zwischen Reifen und Sattel wieder, weil ich eine Schlag bekam. Ich kann es schwer sagen, ob ich bei dem Fehler 3,532 Sekunden verlor und somit den Sieg, aber was ich weiß ist, dass ich den Rest der Linien perfekt traf und sehr zufrieden bin.

Am Ende fuhr ich auf Platz zwei und Simone Weichselberger durfte sich über ihren ersten Karrieresieg freuen. Ich vergönne es ihr von Herzen.




Für mich persönlich ist zusammenfassend zu sagen, dass dieses Wochenende mit diesen tollen Frauen, sicherlich zu den schönsten meiner MTB Karriere zählt und das selbst für mich nach 16 Jahren aktives Racen, dieses eine enorme Bereicherung war. Ich bin sehr dankbar dafür, dass ich all mein Rennwissen weiter geben konnte und so viel Dankbarkeit und Grinsen von den dreien zurück bekam. Außerdem haben sie es geschafft haben, dass ich aufgeregter war als in meinem Lauf und mein Adrenalinspiegel endlich mal wieder höher war. I call it TT – „Triple Tension“.

Ich möchte mich sehr herzlich bei Tourismus Saalbach Hinterglemm (Karin Pasterer), Ion Bikes, Iriedaily, Dr. Antonio Martins Coco Juice, Maxxis Germany, Alutech Cycles und Casio/ Baby – G für die tolle Unterstützung bedanken.




und danke an Cri für die tollen Fotos:

NNDsmall (11 von 17)Du findest alle Fotos auch auf der FB Fan Seite.


It’s not everything about winning!

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Pic by Roland Haschka

The last weekend I hopped back on my big bike the Alutech Sennes and took part at the European IXS Downhill race in lovely Schladming (AUT). I just love this track it includes everything you wish for.  So I didn’t want to miss it. Last year, I remember good, I had a puncture in my race run but this year everything went fine – no mechanicals at all.
The weather: I think every hash tag would have fitted this weekend #rain #sunshine #cloudy … but I shouldn’t really complain about that I chose this outdoor sport.
So Friday and Saturday was my “switchy” day in every racing facet.
I “just” had to switch from the Maxxis wet scream model to the Maxxis Shorty model and back and back. I also switched from outside to inside race lines because it got rougher and rougher every hour.
And I also felt like a super model on a runway show. One run with my rain jacket, next one with my gilet, next one with the rain jacket again, next one with my TLD race jersey and so on… The weather god just didn’t know what he/she wanted.
But on race day I think she/he finally decided and chose sunny with partly cloudy. It dried out – lucky for me because I don’t like to race with tears off. With minus 13 dioptre it is challenging enough to see well.

Normally I have a goal like get on the box for example but this time I knew this will be impossible, because all the World cup DH elite rider came directly from the World cup in Leogang to Schladming. So I had no reason to stress myself I was relaxed, just rode my bike with no pressure and no expectations apart from having fun. I was satisfied and dealt every line I wanted to hit.
In my race run I just messed up the wood section a little bit but the other part was fine. At the end I placed 21th and was 20 seconds faster than in my qualification run. (results here)

To sum it up in all this years of racing I realized again this weekend something very important. It’s not always about winning and losing in this sport. It’s the friends and people that you meet along the way and that you are able to be happy for someone else even if you are a very competitive person.

Congratulations to the other Austrians Markus Pekoll ,Petra Bernhard and Moritz Ribarich to their great podium places.

My next stop is Saalbach – the Glemmride festival ( www.glemmride.at)
Where my teammate Michèle Quint and I running a girls Training day: NIVA! No Diva Jam session.

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pic by Christian Fessl
HeleneFruhwirthPortraitPic by Christian Fessl

What does a Panda, a loris and a whale have in common?

How would I describe my last 4X Pro Tour weekend in Fort William with 5 words?

1) couchsurfing
2) rain
3) first
4) battle
5) second

My trip started quite unusually, because I decided very late to take part at the race in Fort William. So everything was fully booked out and I tried it at couchsurfing.com. And voila it worked well an Austrian called Julian who studied in Fort William let us stay. Thanks again if you read this Julian.

The training started on Thursday afternoon and I had very big problems to find my motivation in this cold and wet conditions. I pedaled like a slow loris, jumped like stranded whale and had reaction time of a panda during lunch break.
So to sum it up in the first 45 minutes I was not myself and was asking myself “Seriously Helene for this you travelled here? “ Then suddenly from one second to the other like someone pushed my reset button I found myself sprinting and jumping the first straight and from this point I was on fire all weekend long.
I raced down best time in qualification on Friday and was also the only women who jumped the double on the second straight. I felt good on the track and was ready to give everything.
The Saturday came – and I found myself in the finals on line one. But I have to say my gate wasn’t the best and my first straight as well.  So the young fast BMX British rider Natasha Bradley was leading at the first straight – after the first turned I jumped the double and nearly caught her – then I nearly slammed after the next roller because I over jump it and so she entered in the rock section first – at the table I was close again and also at the last turn. It’s hard to tell but I think at the finish sprint she won maybe by just half a meter. It was a very exciting race for me and even if I didn’t win this time I am happy about my second place and that the women level is getting higher and higher.


  1. Nathasha Bradley
  2. Me
  3. Julia Lackas
  4. Rebecca Baraona

Media Links:
Pink Bike Media Report – Interview with me
Pictures from the event took by Florian Gärtner 

Pink Bike Full Report 🙂 LOVE IT

My next stop is Schladming the IXS European DH Cup. So that means for me to hop on my big bike again the Alutech Sennes and get some training runs in before the race. I am looking forward to this because I still love DH very much.

Thanks to Julian, my sponsors and my boyfriend.

Bye Helene


Fort William gallery

Race report 4x Pro Tour Round 1 Winterberg (GER)


The season kicked officially off for me. I had a small downhill race in Slovakia last weekend and I won it but this weekend was my first big race. The first round of the 4X Pro Tour in Winterberg – at the IXS Dirt Masters Festival in Germany. It is always a mega spectacle. The whole weekend was packed with events.

The friday training worked out good for me. Saturday was the same, but my qualification run could have been better (2nd). So I put myself under a pressure to jump the last big finish jump, just to be prepared, because no other girl was jumping that jump. Because to be honest the second place was not an option for me.
On Sunday morning I tried the jump – jumped waaaaaayyy to far – crashed hard – got up again – did it again – nailed it nice – tried it again just in case – landed it even better – better 1:2 because I was not satisfied with a fifty: fifty chance.
I won the first heat clearly and in the final heat I had the second line choice. Gated fast again and rode to the inside – locked number one’s line and protected my inside everywhere I could until the finish line. I am very happy about my result and that I cleared the finish jump.
Thanks to my sponsor for supporting me. Thanks to Markus Slavik for the Action Shots.

1) Me
2) Julia Lackas
3) Marisa Roth
4) Michaela Berakova

4X Pro Tour WIN

I also wanted to race at the Red Bull pumptrack Battle. Had the fastest time from the ladies… but at the end I wasn’t allowed to start. Read in my next blog why, you won’t believe it.

NIVA!- No DIVA Jam Session in Saalbach Hinterglemm 0.3 Juli. 2015


Du bist ein Female-Rider, hast Bock auf Gravity und Geschwindigkeit? Fühlst dich bereits ganz sicher auf deinem Bike und möchtest die nächste Stufe erklimmen? Vielleicht sogar dein erstes Rennen bestreiten oder einfach deine Fahrtechnik verbessern? Dann bist du der NIVA! -NO DIVA – JAM SESSION am 3. Juli. 2015 genau richtig! 

Der Camp Tag findet im Zuge des Glemmride Festivals in Saalbach Hinterglemm ( www.glemmride.at) statt und der Focus liegt in der Downhill- und Endurotechnik. Mit FemRide Teamchefin, Michèle Quint und mit mir bekommt ihr Spezialistinnen an eure Seite. Wir haben einiges geplant und das „Icing on the cake“ ist noch, dass du ein Goody Bag gesponsert von ION, BABY-G, IRIEDAILY , Maxxis und Coco Juice bekommst. (im Wert von 250 Euro)

Du kannst wählen, ob du dich für das Rennen am Sonntag auf der Proline vorbereiten willst und bekommst Tipps und Tricks von mir, oder du möchtest ein klassisches Fahrtechniktraining machen bei Michèle. Je nach Nachfrage wird es zwei Gruppen geben.


9:00 -10:30 Startnummer holen (bitte vorher bei www.racement.com anmelden für die, die das Glemmride Downhillrennen mitfahren wollen)


10:30 – 10:45 Zusammentreffen der Gruppe – Aufteilung etc.
11:00- 12:30 gemeinsames fahren auf der Blue Line
12:30- 13:00 gemeinsame Mittagspause

Gruppe A (Helene)  13:00 -17:00 Pro Line Training
Gruppe B (Michèle) 13:00 – 17:00 Bike Circus Saalbach ( Blue Line, Milka Line , Z- Line je nach Wunsch)

Nachdem ihr dann Samstag sicher fleißig selber gefahren seid und vielleicht Fragen habt, gibt es noch eine Nachbesprechung bzw. eine Rennvorbesprechung.
Samstag Nachmittag: genauer Zeitpunkt und Treffpunkt wird dann bekannt gegeben

 Du brauchst dafür eine Bike mit mindestens 150 mm Federweg, Protektoren (Knie, Elbogen, Rücken), lange Handschuhe und einen FullFace Helm. Was du nicht brauchst sind Profiskills, die lernst du ja von uns 🙂 Ob Racerin oder Anfängerin jede Könnerstufe ist herzlichst willkommen. Was aber schon wichtig ist, dass du Trail oder Bikeparkerfahrung mitbringst.

Anmeldung hier

Kosten: 149 Euro pro Person
max 12. Teilnehmerinnen
Bei Fragen einfach mailen an info@viennabikeacademy.com


Goody Bag 🙂

Deine Goodies - klick dich durch


NIVA – No Diva

So finally I relaunched my new website. In the world of tablets, smart phones and the social media overkill it was necessary.

What have happened since new years. Quite a lot.

I have some sponsor changes and some totally new sponsors. I left the Hayes Group or more they had to leave me. So I have now e*thirteen wheels, cranks and chain guides for my DH Bike. I have also a new SIXPACK – RACING cockpit  new stem, new bright neon yellow handle bars and new grips – actually my favorite once – I like it thin. I also left Michelin and riding now Maxxis tires. I  ride now for BABY- G the watch company and Troy Lee Designs.

I stil with Alutech, Acros, DIRTY, R.S.P. , Carbocage, Iriedaily,  Dr. Martins Coco Juice, SPY Optics and Giro Shoes.

I am also still with Alutech Cycles, but they changed the team members so Michèle Quint is riding now with me and we are the women team from Alutech called NIVA . I didn’t know Michèle very much, just from seeing on festivals. So I travelled with my boyfriend and another friend to Portugal to take part at her Surfing / Biking camp. So I could get to know her better and see how we come along with each other. That was very important for me because after some disillusioning experiences with some other riders I am became very careful with whom I work together and plan things. I have learned at the end everyone looks after themselves first.

But to sum it up I am very happy to have her as a team maid and the 2 weeks proved that we on the same vibes. I had great week so much laughing, riding and surfing together. The tracks were nice we had a very helpful and funny driver / guide. We rode in San Miguel Bike park (near Faro) and also in in the mountains of Monchique. The surf house was nice , just a little bit crowded but nice.


For FULL HD you have to watch in on vimeo directly.

Portugal Trip

And after my nice holiday I had some photoshoot going in on for Shimano. Can’t really say much about it – It was just great – nice crew- nice weather – nice hotels- good food. okay not so much riding but still wonderful to be in the mountains with shorts.


In the mean time until my first race in Winterberg (Ger). Until this I have to do my homework like every year. Gates, Sprints, Gym, Jumping and getting better and faster.

see you on the track Helene












NNDsmall (9 von 17)

Niva are two MTB loving women, who found it each other by fluke. Michèle searched for a new frame sponsor and I was already riding for this brand. So Michèle and I started to train together and found out that they match also perfectly business wise so they started their own projects.

What message does NIVA want to transport?

There are many messages, but basically NIVA wants to get more woman into the Mountainbike sport and support them through their camps and knowledge.

Which kind of women they wanted to reach NIVA:

  • between 15 – 50
  • mind opened , dynamic, sportive, ready to step up the game
  • women, who want to reach more in every facet of life and want to step up their riding level even if they are beginners or already racers.
  • Women, who want to learn from women and being surrounded by professionals with a lot of experience, well educated and with the extra drive to let them feel awesome.


NIVA plans for 2016 … stay tuned:

  • Classic Women Camp
  • Race Women Camp
  • Holiday Women Camp (Portugal Surf / Ride Week)
  • Preseason Training Camp (to get fit and ready for the season)
  • Community Rides (Whistler Train with the other girls etc.)
  • Photo Shooting Camp (lifestyle and action for the girls)

Champery World cup Nr2 another way to survive…

The weekend is over… I am soooo happy: the track was just a night mare – everywhere steep and the catch nets were just 50 cm high. So if you crashed you didn’t even touch them. You just flew over it.. Incredible that this was allowed. I struggled all the weekend with myself if I should compete or not. There were two section which I didn’t do well. But at the end I raced and ended up 20. I am all right with that place. I am very proud that I compete at the end a lot of women didn’t because of different reasons. I heard that the race organiser choosed exactly that weekend because it hasn’t rained on that weekend for ten years.. Hmm but not 2007 it rained every afternoon cats and dogs…. Everytime when the 4x training started or the race the track became a river. The 4X was so exicting to watch because you never knew who was going to make the turns without slidding away. Jill Kintner won Seyoux Rachel 2nd and Fionn Griffiths came 3rd. In the men class won Brian Lopes, Michal Prokop 2nd and Filip Polc 3rd.
On Saturday evening it didn’t stop to rain. I was thinking about the next day and about the race track. How should I make it uiuiuiuiui. But it dried very quickly and the girls and most of the guys had the luck to race on a pretty dry track. Just the last who made a very good qualification time had though luck.
Matti Lehikoinen won , Steve Peat came 2nd and Sam Hill 3rd. BUt SAM H. was the last rider and had the worst conditions of all riders. Sam was stealing Matti the show with the impressing fact that he was just 1,5 second behind him in the poor of rain. Congratulations to Marielle Saner(SUI) 2nd Emmeline Ragot and Sabrina Jonnier came 3rd.
My next stop is Wagrain the bike park opening. And after that I am flying to Canada for the 3rd World cup.

See you soon LENE

Mount Sainte Anne (CAN) 3rd World cup ….

It was such a challenge to come here. I thought I could travel from the Montreal airport to Mount Sainte Anne with the dolphin team but few days before my flight I got the email from the dolphin team manager that they have no space for me. Hmm I knew that could happen but I didn’t expect it. So yeah I needed a new plan as soon as possible cause I’m to young to rent a car by myself. I emailed to riders,to team managers and phoned people who maybe could have helped me but nobody could at the end. Apart from the FusionTeam. Jenna Makgill a kiwi girl, is riding for the team and they had place for me in their chalet. I had no other choice to fly over and see what happen. I wasn’t that worry cause normally I always find a way. So did I this time too. At the London airport Heathrow I met a cross country rider with his crew and I asked him if they had space for me. The rider was world champion 2005 Filip Meirhaeghe is his name. They had space and I also could sleep the night in their accomondation. We arrived very late about 1 o’clock in the night I was soooooo happy that someone other was driving the car and that I had a bed to sleep.


The next day I met Jenna at the registration center so after I moved to her house with all my stuff. I hope she is allright sharing with me her room cause I am a “night speaker” sometimes in english sometimes in french and original of course in german. Jenna’s team is cool and I feel good hanging around with them. Yesterday was a good training day, the track is like last year very fast long and good fun. I like it and enjoy it. I just hope that I don’t destroy my rims because Sun Rims isn’t here and I don’t have spare ones with me.  I have to get ready and go training…
See you LENE

MSA final day

The race day….


– weather was perfect
– bike was o.k. nearly k.o. because me fork was still leaking my back rims was bended and my rear shock was leaking too.
– I had 2 excellent training runs the day before
– I had a good training run in the morning
– BUT I got a puncture in my qualification run

So I wasn’t sure about my final run. The track was long and you have to economize with your power. In my final run I got the lines perfect but I think I should have pedaling more… Hmmm but I am very satisfied with my final postion. 13th that’s my best result ever at a world cup race. I am stoked.
Sam HIll won/ greg minar 2nd steve peat 3rd matti L 4th
Sabrina 1st Tracy Mosley 2nd Emmeli Ragot 3rd and Tracy Hannah 4th

So what happened apart from racing.

– I met nice belgian people


-I jumped from a water fall. (the water was soooo cold) But it was such a great feeling. I don’t know how high it finally was but I could try some moves.

– I saw the loveliest place ever

– I danced until the sunrise at the After Party. I had so much fun with the other Kiwis (Amy


and Jenna)
– I nearly freaked out cause the Team who should give me a lift to the montreal aiport had a delay. I couldn’t reach them and thought they had forgotten me. But it wasn’t and I got to aiport by time.
– I cheered for the XC rider Filip and the two austrian xc rider beside the XC track on Saturday
– I bought earrings for 1,99 CANDollar which I have already lost 🙁 no picture available cos I lost them before……

What about me?

After my last race in Innsbruck I kept on riding but with constant pain in my thumb. I had this little crash at the training run on Sunday but I thought okay it hurts but it won’t be that bad. At the end it turned out that I have to do a surgery on my thumb. How you can see on the picture my ligament cut.daumen1_gross.jpg
The Doctor, Pezzei, from the Lorenz Böhler hospital squeezed me in his busy surgery schedule, so just 24h after the first x-ray my thumb was fixed. I was awake during the surgery… hmm I didn’t liked it at all but I was happy that I went there; because he told me, without fixing it I would have problems my whole life.
So after the surgery I packed my stuff and left Austria for a while. I stayed in Morocco. I got this special cast for my finger so I could do much. Just sitting and running at the beach. But my thumb progressed so fast that I took it off after 3 weeks, instead of 6 weeks and started to surf. Riding my bike wasn’t possible because of the vibrations, which hurt me. But surfing was great, I started quite a while ago, and you could never called it “surfing” but this last time I actually found the connection to the sea. From the first day the take off worked and timing was good, I turned, read the waves and at the end I surfed my first 2,5 meter wave, which was huge for me, concerning that I didn’t grow up with the sea…it scared me at the beginning. I think I am addicted to it and I understand what the people in all this surf videos are talking about… when they talk about their passion to surfing and the ocean.
So now I am back in Austria and my thumb gets better and better. At my last doctor appointment he said it’s all good and don’t have to wear the cast anymore…. Great.
My plans for the next weeks are first of all get ridden of the stupid flu, which I picked up somewhere at my arrival in Austria. After, I will hit the BMX track, the forest and the gym, depending on the weather.
Bye bye LENE

Joy Magazin Article

A German lifestyle and fashion magazine asked me for an interview. The reports were about women who are different and not ordinary. So here you see the results. For those who don’t speak German it is about img_3971.JPGthat i started early to ride, had problems with my parents, because they were scared and about my Plan B studying sports Management. img_3969.JPG