Austria Gravity Finals win / Mariazell

This year was the second time the Wexl crew organised this event. Last year I won it and had so much fun.
Because it isn’t just a bike race. It is something special. You have to run/ hike up a steep hill then you have to race with a stand-up paddle 4 times back and forward on a small lake and then finally you ride down with your bike a Bikepark track but without a chain. This time it was also my birthday and I was very determined to win this thing again. I gave all especially at the uphill run and at the end, my effort, in this category, saved me and I won again.



Wexl Trails Surf and Turf / 1 st Place / best birthday present

This year was the second time the Wexl crew organised this event. Last year I won it and had so much fun.
Because it isn’t just a bike race. It is something special. You have to run/ hike up a steep hill then you have to race with a stand-up paddle 4 times back and forward on a small lake and then finally you ride down with your bike a Bikepark track but without a chain. This time it was also my birthday and I was very determined to win this thing again. I gave all,  especially at the uphill run and at the end, my effort, in this category, saved me and I won again. It was also my birthday and one of the best birthday present ever.

Golden decoration merit of the Austrian Republic // TV broadcast

I don’t know if other countries have this too but in Austria, you get a special reward when you get a World Champs medal. And so I got invited to be honoured in the first district of Vienna. And the Austria sports minister gave it to me in person. The Austrian TV was also there and I got interviewed, which was broadcasted the next evening in the prime time.
The next day I also got invited to the „day of sports“ event in Vienna and I got another award. My name was also written on the big Wall of fame.
I was so proud of myself and it felt so good to get the respect and reward for your achievements. Of course, I do it for myself in the first place but it just feels just good to stand there and get a fancy golden medal.
Thanks, Republic Austria for this honour. 
These are my beauties. I am so proud of myself to achieve this.

NIVA! No DIVA 2018 // „My personal highlight of the year“

„My personal highlight of the year“

It is a lot of work and it is a lot of responsibility aaaaaand it is a lot of fun.
I absolutely love my racing and ride camp.

I had again some amazing personalities. Very strong women and personalities.

Like every year, the NIVA! No DIVA weekend is based on the racing and riding group. I have the „RACE“ group from Friday to Sunday and my guest coach the „RIDE“ group on Saturday.

This year I, unfortunately, all started with a big tragedy. My other coach GLORIA had a serious work injury one week before the camp. She must have had few guardian angels with her because she nearly died. (head injury). She is getting better her mother told me but it is a long way back and I wish her all the best.
So I had to find quickly another coach for the Saturday group, which I did Manuela Walder.



My race group was very special and strong.

This year I had a very interesting mix of women/ girls.Freda /34/ Flightatendent: A good friend of mine, who always wanted to take part in my race camp since the first day. But always something cropped up like an injury one day before the camp started or her children or the job but this time she made it. But this year she made it and she was amazing. After every training run, she got better and better and the final run she said was the best of all. So delivered on point and improved by 4 seconds with a time of 4:55

Sarah / 28 / architect: A women who live just in the other valley (Leogang), rides very well but wanted to know for herself if she is fast or not compare to others. One good reason to race. I had the feeling she was a bit nervous, her family and friends came to watch and in her seeding run, she crashed hard. But she kept on riding took one painkiller and fought it out. She raced very well in her final run and found herself in the very good 12th position. She was very happy and it was officially proved that she is fast with a time of 4:43

Kathrin/ 32 / IT- specialist:  Kathrin is a typical sportswoman you could tell. Her mindset was so focused and strong even if her body was not. She competed in the past on skis so she knows how racing works.
I mean who would come up with the idea to take part in a race camp without any time on the bike for 3 years (baby break), someone with a lot of confidence I would say. During practice, she was on the limit (also her bike). But at the end, she scrapped some energy from somewhere and just missed the podium by one place with a time of 4:45.

Mira / 12 / Student :
About three weeks ago Mira’s mum called me and asked me if I take also 12-year-old ones and said that she rides very well. I just said: „yes of course“ and was super excited to show I girl so young the world of racing. When I hung up the phone I was thinking:“ How tall is a 12th-year-old one. What can she already do? Did I say too quick yes? Will she fit in the group? Does every mum say about the child that she is extraordinary good? “ I had no idea to what exactly I said yes.

But in the end, it was all good and this young lady was extraordinarily talented, exactly how her mother said.
She had the fastest seeding run time and with this time (4:34) she would have also won on Sunday. I am saying would because she got a puncture and a chainsack just before the finish line. But instead of giving up she dragged her bike down the last slope. But this is not the last time we will hear from her.

My race run worked out well for me and I found myself on the top spot at the IXS Rookies cup race in Saalbach Hinterglemm with a time 3:59. 
Fredas Final Run was her best of the weekend. I just say right on point.
Manus Ride group on Saturday  
This year the Niva! No Dive ride camp was again booked out and again the weather was perfect. Saalbach Hinterglemm is such a beautiful place and because the Glemmride festival was running the city was packed full of riders, brands, spectators and more.
The riding group started early and went to the top of the Z- Line, where Manu showed the girls the basics of Mountainbiking. It is crazy who quick you can improve just when someone tells you from the outside what you should change or do. So yes the girls improved a lot and by the end of the day, the elbows pointed to the side, the knees didn’t touch the top tube anymore at the same time, the break lever got touched by one finger not two and many more things…
Manu the riding coach in her element at the Hacklberg trail
Elbow out and eyes straight ahead. 
I want to say a big thanks to David Keusch the filmer, Christian Fessl the photographer and Saalbach Tourism for the hotel and of course to my sponsors, who support me. 

Goody bag supporters: Go Pro, R.S.P, Iriedaily, Verival Bio, Dr. Antonio Martins Coco Drink, Maxxis, Skull Candy, SP- Connect, Epic-Wear, Novatec Wheels, Selle San Marco, Carbocage,

and Troy Lee Designs, SP- Gadgets, Spy, Ciclopia, DVS, 9point8, Praxis Works, SR Suntour

Crankworx Innsbruck // Crankworx Les Gets // Road Trip

„Crankworx Europe was a blast“

Some of you mind have followed my IG account (maybe you going to @helenefruhwirth :-))  but for those who haven’t I was on a road trip with my crew and had some awesome 3 weeks. Lots of chairlift minutes lots of minutes on the road but I so many more fun minutes on the best tracks in middle Europe.

Everything started with our VAN in Bikepark Königsberg, then to the great Velosoltion Pumptrack in Wals, then to the Bikepark Leogang and then to Bikepark Innsbruck., then Bikepark Morzine, Crankworx Les Gets, Bikepark Chatel, Bikepark Brandertal and Bikepark Geisskopf.

Crankworx Innsbruck was great I raced there the Downhill and the Pumptrack races. I had so much fun at both events. All the big MTB names were there and everyone enjoyed. I saw a lot of racer girls all over the world who I don’t see that often. I had a good final run and find myself at the 15th spot, which was very good for me. At the pumptrack race, I finished 10th, which could have been better. But I am not theeeee pumptrack expert. Something I have to work on.

Crankworx Innsbruck was awesome
Crankworx Les Gets DH: „After a high comes very often a low“

What should I say I guess Les Gets is a very special place for me and I didn’t expect that the past tense will hit me that much. 2004 I crashed in my World Champs training day number one at a big step down because someone else crashed and lied in the landing. I hurt myself dramatically bad that the doctors told me I will never be able to lift up my arm or even ride a bike. I disappeared from the scene for about two years working on my health and proved the doctors wrong.2018: During the track walk I felt fine and confident to hit the jumps but in my training runs I didn’t. Not even one single jump. My whole mind said „NO WAY“. Every run it got worse and worse and in the end, I found myself crying in the van because I had no clue what I can do to overcome my fear and get out of this self-doubts. Until my race run, I didn’t find a solution but still started. My run was the worse for a long time but I was happy that did it and could say at least I didn’t give up. 

Crankworx Les Gets Pumptrack and Dual Slalom

Again in the Pumptrack, I gave all I had and I had a lot of fun and finished again at the 10th place. In Dual Slalom I made into the final on Saturday and I really liked the track. It was fast with some nice burms and the grass turns were tricky. My first heat was a tough one. I raced against Rachel Atherton, who won also at the end.To sum it up with I had some ups and downs in Les Gets but at the end the ups were overweight.

Pumptrack riding is so much fun. All in or nothing in 15 seconds. 
After 20 years doing all by myself, I can say I am a good mechanic.
I want to say a big thanks to my sponsors, who support me. Go Pro, Iriedaily,
SR Suntour,Verival Bio, Dr. Antonio Martins Coco Drink,  Troy Lee Designs ,
Skull Candy, Novatec Wheels, Selle San Marco, Carbocage, Maxxis, SP- Gadgets, Spy, Epic-Wear, Ciclopia, R.S.P, DVS, 9point8, Praxis Works, 
My next stop is the Eurobike so I guess I will see some of you there and then after I have my Niva! No Diva Race camp in Saalbach Hinterglemm.
Chatel was definitely my favourite bike park on this trip
I really love this place (Chatel /FRA)
finding my balance is sometimes harder than it looks 

„Hang in there and you will win!“ // Kalnica Bikefest // 4 races 4 wins

Last race weekend was a special one for me because it showed me that I still have the pace and I can achieve whatever I want as long I believe in myself. The result was 4 wins from 4 races.

„As long you believe in yourself you will be fine. “ my mother always says

 And she was so right.

The Bikefest in Kalnica (Slovakia) is one of my favourite event of the year. So I didn’t want to miss it for sure. We arrived on Thursday evening and on Friday the whole spectacle started with the pump track and Dual Pumptrack race. Unfortunately, the weather was at the beginning very bad and it rained very heavy so the pump track race was more „a pedal as fast as you can and not try to slip away race.“ But still fun and I ended up on the first spot. YEAH. Good start for me. Then at 3 o’clock, we raced the dual pump track and I won the qualification but not my first heat, which brought up the fighter in me. I hate to lose and so I thought to myself „No way, i get beaten in the second run. I want to win this. So I won my second heat clearly and we had to race another one – because two wins win. It was very exciting and stayed focused and won the third run as well. But I have to admit it was very close. 

On Saturday evening I raced the Dual Slalom. It was soooo much fun and I was soooo tired at the end. But it was worth it. The burms were sharp as a knife and the crowd wild like a tiger. I had much fun with the other racer chicks and we did one „FUN RUN“ after the other until we were nearly too exhausted to race. I won this race too, WIN NUMBER 3 in my pocket

On Sunday I raced my favourite race – the Downhill. I wasn’t sure if I will beat the young guns again this year and looked very well for some good lines. I didn’t win the qualification and maybe that was good because in the race run I stepped out of my comfort zone and did two new jumps and didn’t touch the break at all at two places, which kind of scared me. And so I managed to walk away with another win.

I want to say a big thanks to my sponsors, who supports me. Go Pro, Iriedaily, SR Suntour, Verival Bio, Dr. Antonio Martins Coco Drink,  Troy Lee Designs , Skull Candy, Novatec Wheels, Selle San Marco, Carbocage, Maxxis, SP- Gadgets, Spy, Epic-Wear, Ciclopia, R.S.P, DVS, 9point8, Praxis Works, 

My next stop is Crankworx Innsbruck and Crankworxs Les Gets.

IXS European Cup Race // Downhill // Maribor

Na Bumm“ these words describe my weekend best.

A long time ago I saved the date in my Google calendar „Maribor IXS European race -13-15 April “ and my boyfriend kept asking me if I will go or not and until the last possible second I couldn’t tell him. I was so unsure and worried about so many things. Like did I spent enough time on my DH bike? Will I do all the jumps? Will I be capable to do this? Questions I normally thinking about but not kept me away from trying.

But then my racer heart couldn’t resist and went. Afterwards, I am happy that I said YES to all the challenges, stress, the great track and seeing all the old World cup friends. Because this race wasn’t like a normal IXS race. All the top WC riders came I guess because of the following World Cup in Croatia and it was great. I had so much fun and I like the track very much. I raced many times here so I could remember very well. Some new bits of course but not so much different than the years before.

My practice went well and I apart from the jumps I felt good. The weather was great and it was nice to meet other racer girls again. In my qualification run, I tested myself and my strength and was happy that all worked out how I wanted. But I have to be honest I wasn’t ready for the jumps something stopped me and I said to myself next time. In my race run, I gave all and improved my time by 15 seconds and ended up on the 19th spot. I am was happy with my race run and the weekend.


Niva! No Diva race and ride Camp girls only // @ the Glemmride Festival


You are a female MTB rider, ready for some action, fun and a new challenge.

You always wanted to race a downhill race but you didn’t want to do it alone and didn’t know how? Downhill, tricky section and speed is your thing and you like the share your MTB passion with other girls and also wanted to be coached by a woman? You are ready for the next step to improve your riding skills.

Then is the NIVA! No Diva Jam Session the perfect girls camp for you.

With a world champ medalist Helene Fruhwirth and the Austrian Pumptrack founder and DH racer Gloria Schnopfhagen.  You have two great coaches next to you, who will make this weekend unforgettable for you.

The girls have planned many nice things and the icing on the cake is the phenomenal goody bag.

You can choose between the RACE and the RIDE group. The race group will take part in the IXS Rookies cup race – riding and racing on the proline the whole weekend. Helene will guide you, help you and show you how a professional deals with racing.

Gloria has the RIDE group, where you learn all the MTB basics and the advanced stuff the whole Saturday without racing stress.

The main focus for both groups.

•    Jumping drops

•    Jumping doubles

•    Roots section

•    Railing berms

•    Jumping gaps

•    Of camber roots section

•    Line choice

•    Rock section

•    Increase your speed

•    Breaking skills


The RACE Group has maximum 4 girls, and the RIDE group maximum 7 Girls.

Registration for the race (open Women)

from 15.MAI.2018

any questions just write to

Race group Helene

The timetable is not 100 percent sure


depending if the racetrack is open in the morning we can ride together there

16:30 Welcome

****GOODY BAG ****

16:00 numberplate pick up

17:00-19:00 Track walk together



09.00 – 14.00 Uhr Training on the race course

14.00 – 14.30 Uhr  track closed so we have lunch

ab 14.30 Uhr Seeding Run  (you need this run just for the start order)

After: Go Pro Videoanalyse


08.00 – 11.00 Uhr  Training

11.00 – 11.30 Uhr   track closed

ab 11.30 Uhr  race run (this one count)

having a good time after and reflect what has happened in the last days.


RIDE group Gloria:


9:00 – 10:00 WELCOME everyone and goody bag surprise

10:00 – 10:15 Bike check

10:30 – 13:00 Bike Skills Training on the Milka Line / Z- Line

13:00 -14:00 Lunchtime with the RACE group

14:00 – 17:00  Bike Skills Training on the X – Line and the Hacklbergtrail

if you have a question feel free to ask or call 0043 650 8381111


Gloria and Helene are happy to ride with you on the nice trails.


Regular information:

for the registration, you have to fill out the registration formula.

You have to pay in advanced.

In the Ride group, your bike must have min 140mm travel and must be a full suspension bike.

In the Race group, you should have min 16mm travel a DH bike would be the best.

If you don’t have a DH Bike and you are planning to buy one, just ask Helene and she can help you to get a good priced Intense Bike

If you are a total Newbie you can’t register for this Camp

You need a full face helmet, long finger gloves, a goggle, Knee, Elbow and Back protection. If you don’t have on of these ask Helene she can lend you some.

The lift ticket is not included in the price

If you stay in Saalbach make sure you sleep in „Joker card“ Hotel because then you get the lift ticket for free.

The Race group gets a lift ticket at the race registration too.


„Schneefräsn“ Riding on snow

This winter the Bike Magazin Lines and the crews from the different venues organized snow races and they were great.  The ones who know me well know I can’t stand the cold but thanks to my heating shoe inserts and warm gloves I was able to „survive“ outside and raced two races. The first one in St. Corona am Wechsel and the second one in Saalbach Hinterglemm. Both couldn’t be more different. The Wexltrail was short and not so steep. The Glemmride meets Glemmbang was the opposite – the course was fast and steep. I liked both, but for sure the one in Saalbach was more challenging.

At the Wexltrails I got 1st and at the Glemmride race, I got 3rd.

Bildschirmfoto 2018-03-17x



wpid-IMG_20180311_234336_989.jpgValentina Höll won, second got Yana Dobnig.
wpid-DSC_7149-01.jpegWexltrails was so much fun so I decided spontaneous to ride in Saalbach too.

Niva! Ni Diva is back

Nivanodivashort2018From all my events and camps I do. This is my favourite. The Niva! No Diva Race and Ride camp in lovely Saalbach Hinterglemm. It is for a woman, who wants to get better on the bike, wants to share their passion with other girls, wants to learn new things and races her first downhill race together with me.

You are a female MTB rider, ready for some action, fun and a new challenge.You always wanted to race a downhill race but you didn’t want to do it alone and didn’t know how? Downhill, tricky section and speed is your thing and you like the share your MTB passion with other girls and also wanted to be coached by a woman? You are ready for the next step to improve your riding skills.

Then is the NIVA! No Diva Jam Session the perfect girls camp for you. And the icing on the cake is the phenomenal goody bag.

You can choose between the RACE and the RIDE group. The race group will take part in the IXS Rookies cup race – riding and racing on the proline the whole weekend. I will guide you, help you and show you how a professional deals with racing.

Gloria has the RIDE group, where you learn all the MTB basics and the advanced stuff the whole Saturday without racing stress.


You find detailed info about the timetable, prices, goody bag and registration here The places are limited: RIDE max 7 girls and RACE max 4 girls

Thanks to my sponsors:

GoPro, Sp Connect, R.S.P, Epic wear, Iriedaily, Carbocage, Maxxis, Verival Bio, Coco Drink, HT Components, Selle San Marco and many more

gender disaster

This time I want to tell you something from my private life. When I am not training and racing I work one or twice per week in a bike shop in Vienna. I love it most of the time but there are days when I want just tell the customers straight in the face. Surprise I have an idea about bikes and don’t have balls.

One day a customer came into the shop and I asked him „Can I help you? He tried to ignore me and so I asked him again politely. „Do you need some help? And finally, he replied, “ No thank you can’t help me for sure!“ I asked again and said, „We won’t know if you don’t try.“ He was quite arrogant and rolled his eyes and replied again. „I am pretty sure you don’t know this, girl.  So I stepped back and made the way free to my college. My college heard the whole conversation with one ear… and when the customer walked up to him and asked him the question he said „sorry I am not an expert in this but she is. She knows everything about this rear shock.“ But guess what? He didn’t come to me and asked me he just looked angry and left the shop.

This is just an example of many what happened nearly weekly to me just in the bike shop and I am wondering when it will ever stop, all this gender disaster. I hope someday but I guess the world would be too simple and too nice when everyone starts to treat everybody how they would like to be treated.

Don’t do this mistake too like this man in the bike shop – leave prejudices and intolerance behind you. You will be surprised. 


I finally got it. 3rd at the World Champs

2017 UCI Mountain bike Four-Cross World Championships – Val di Sole Trentino, ITA
First Heat in Minute 28:00 and Final Heat in Minute 41:00
Finally I can say I got it.

This night my biggest dream came true. I always wanted to have a 4X World Championship medal. I didn’t even care which one. I just wanted to stand on the podium with my austrian national jersey and lean my head forward to get a medal around my neck.

„I achieved so many things in my life but this little thing which is massive for me was missing so far.“

So this year it was my year I thought. For those who watched me last year I had a massive crash at the pro section at the second double and walked away with nothing apart a concussion and a broken heart. I was so sad I can’t tell you. So this year I wanted to make better. anI trained a lot, had some heavy ups and downs and self doubts if it will be enough or if I will have a realistic chance to get this medal? 
I arrived earlier to train the pro line. But I was so afraid to jump it. I rode so many times into the jumpline but  everything in my body told me NO. So in my first official training session I said to myself. Don’t jump it and train the other line you can ride this fast too.
It was a good desicion I wrote fast and qualified 4th on thursday. On friday at the main race, in the heat where I could advanced in the final I had a good gate and stayed at the back wheel from Caroline. I was so happy and relieved that I made in the finals.
I stayed focused and because Natasha Bradley (GBR) made it also into the final but qualified 6th I could bike the gate before her and choosed third. So it was Caroline , Romana, me and Natasha in the gate. Caroline and Romana both BMX Pros had excellent gates. But my one was good too and I managed to rail the first turn very well and sticked behind Romana. Romana and Caroline went over the pro line and I chose the left line. Natasha planned to jump the pro line but then didn’t and had to roll the big doubles so I was gone. I came very close to Romana but not enough to make a move at the rocks.
I crossed the finish line third and couldn’t believe it. My knees felt like jelly pudding and I wanted to cry and smile the same time. I finally achieved my biggest dream to get a medal.

Results Women
Caroline Buchanan (AUS)
Romana Labounkova (CZ)
Helene Fruhwirth (AUT)

Felix Beckeman (SWE)
Quentin Derbier (FRA)
Giovanni  Pozzoni (ITA)

my future:
I am not 100% sure yet but I want to stop 4X racing and I saw this race as my last 4X race. I really love the 4X family and how we all help each other especially the Brits. But the last races were so much stress for me and I wasn’t really happy, how I dealt with this and my emotions. I also love my downhill bike more and prefer jumping with this bike.  I will keep you up to date what my plans are. My next stop is now the Eurobike in Germany so see some of you there.

I want say a big thanks to my sponsors, who supports me. Go Pro, Iriedaily, Baby-G, Verival Bio, Dr. Antonio Martins Coco Drink,  Troy Lee Designs , Skull Candy, Novatec Wheels, Selle San Marco, Carbocage, Maxxis, SP- Gadgets, Acros Components, Board-Shack Shop, Epic-Wear, Ciclopia, R.S.P, DVS, 

My dream came true this evening. Standing with these two ladies and playing with champagne, because we have achieved something great.
Look at this crowed it was just amazing to race here. Bella Italia and the name Val di Sole proofed right. I didn’t rain. 
so relieved and happy
my idol Greg Minnaar, didn’t have so much luck this weekend a flat tire cost him the victory and the overall title, but he still smiled for the pic. thx. 

You don’t know JBC? Then you better click here


When this event is coming up it means we are at the end of the 4X Pro Tour. It is always the biggest and most spectacular race in the season. More than 10.000 people come to watch. There is a live cast. A redbull Airfighter flying show a crazy Masters of dirt after party. I really like it and I also like the track. But this time my mind was not ready for it. I was so exhausted from the weeks before that I didn’t really looked forward to race again. But because I was afraid that I will regret it afterwards I decided to compete and luckily I didn’t regret it after.
I can’t complain at the end it turned out well for me. I qualified 2nd on Friday and could keep me second spot also in the final. It was a tough one but I kept focused. I didn’t have the best gate and was behind Romana and Natasha. Romana went to the left and Natasha went for the pro Line (big respect for that) and I followed Romana. In the wood section Natasha tried to push Romana away but instead passing her she crashed so I rode by and followed Romana to the finish. Romana got first , Simona 3rd and Natasha 4th.
In the men race local man and organizer Thomas Slavik won.In the 4X Pro Tour overall I ended up on the 3rd spot. I am very happy about that.
First got Romana and second Natasha.Now I have some time to relax and will focus on my training. Their is still a lot home work to do until the World Champs in Italy until then I havn’t planned some races.

Niva! No Diva Race camp 2017

I just love my life as a racer.

I love to coach and I love to see someone else getting better and better on the bike. I guess you already have figured out that I also adore to race. I am the generation who improved their riding when you race, because the good tracks were just open for races and chair lifts were just running on race weekends. Now we have many bikeparks and you don’t have to race to ride the best tracks. But I still think when you race and you like to compete (thats very important) you get definitely much faster and better. 

So three years ago I decided to make race camps for girls who had never raced before. I teach them all the stuff I had to learn by myself and pass on my experiences and secrets. I really enjoy the time with them I pretty much live with them again through my whole DH career. It is very emotional and can be stressful.And every year we have some little dramas but nearly always with an happy end.
This year it was something special. The first time in the Niva! no Diva history one of my racer girls made it to podium next to me. She was all weekend long very fast and sticked to my back wheel. But it is something different to ride fast in the training or ride fast in the race run. She kept it together and kept her 3 place from qualification.
At the beginning of the race camp we were 5 girls. On friday we did the track walk together and talked about the fastest lines. Unfortunately on girl got really sick over the night and could continue the race camp. So we were 4 on Saturday. We did some good trainings runs and in my opinion we were a very fast group this year. I was totally satisfied and happy. The qualification run went fine for all of us too and because we were riding the whole day with our gopros we could discuss afterwards the best lines by watching our videos. On raceday (Sunday) Mara had bad luck because in her first trainings run her breaks didn’t work and she got of the track very bad and decided not to race. And so at the end it was Nicole, Stef and myself. But the girls very already like professionals and stayed focused even we missed one dream team member.

In the race run Stef had very good run just one mistake at the top and Nicole hit all the lines she wanted and also did the big gap which she did just twice.
My run was also good and I didn’t make a big mistake. I ended up on the second spot behind my good friend Angie Hohenwarter followed by my Niva! No Diva Ladie Stef. The only girl who beat us was the local young gun Valentina Höll. She smoked our times and is the future of the Austrian downhill scence – or even of the world. She is so fast and I can’t wait to see who she will do at the World cups in two years.

I want say a big thanks to my sponsors, who supported the camp and made my girls smile, because of this big goody bag stuff. (Go Pro, Iriedaily, Baby-G, Verival, Coco Drink, Ion, Carbocage, Maxxis, Acros, Board-Shack, Epic-Wear, Saalbach Tourismus, Glemmride)

My Heros for the weekend Stef and Nicole. (and Mara even if she couldn’t race)
Big thanks to Saalbach Hinterglemm trourism and the Glemmride crew.

Niva! No Diva race group

Number plate perfection …

Where is the best line? Thanks Go Pro for the cameras. #Heros

On the same weekend was also the Niva! No Diva Ride camp, for girls who prefer to ride than race. My friend Michèle Quint was leading it. They have all a lot of fun and improved their riding skills.

Another good event you shouldn’t miss / Crankworx Innsbruck


INNS‘ BRUCK CRANKWORX in one word – WOW. I just can’t say anything negative about the first Crankworx Event in Austria. It was just a blast for me. The venue was great, the weather was perfect, the downhill track was something „new / old „. It was great to see old friends and have actually time to chat with them. The vibes were good. I had so much fun riding the Pumptrack and the Downhill race. I didn’t get hurt and I didn’t had mechanicals. We had nice place to stay and good food.
The only thing maybe I would like to have is a qualification run at  the DH. Because I am more a two run person. In the first run I give much and in the second run I know where I can give even more.  But yes that shouldn’t be an excuse.
In Pumptrack I had two solid qualification runs but I didn’t made in the top 8. In Downhill I finished 11 th.
Tracy Hannah won in DH and Caroline Buchanan got first in next stop is the Glemmride Festival in Saalbach Hinterglemm, where I also have my Niva! No DIva Camp running. If you want to be part of it go to and register.