GRAB YOUR BALLS? *WTF*#?=”(()&!§(?=)$;:_”§”/=)/F#CK

I I think this race news will be the most clarifying and honest report I have ever written so far and I guess some of you won’t be happy to read this, but I felt to write it. After this disillusioning racing weekend. JBC REVELATION- Grab your balls – was the slogan of the last event!? ?*WTF*#?=”(()&!§(?=)$;:_”§”/=)/F#CK.
The name already says everything –  that this race wasn’t meant to be a race for women. I have to admit, this year this theme was so true,  and it’s our own fault. The track was very versatile, in a perfect condition and for me personally it was not difficult.
The weather was fine and the place was awesome. For me, it was one of the best races this year. Via facebook I tried to organize and motivate the other 4X ladies to come together and race on this high-class-level, but it was a hassle.
Just five registered, and in the end only 2 were racing. 2 hurt themselves (wish them a quick recovery) and one didn’t even show up.
I don’t know what the problem was… Is the elite 4x woman sport dead? Does the 4x women class not count anymore at all? Why do I have to be so many times confronted with discriminatory moments against women in this sport? Like “this is not a girls track!”, “no girls at the rider’s presentation”, “women were not planned to be represented!”, “MTB is mens sport”,  “women shouldn’t ride this track!”.
Did posing and being beautiful become more important for the bike industry than performing? Why do girls get sponsoring deals, although they can’t even make a bunny hop and why are they surprised, that the men in this sport get jealous and talk insulting about women? Is the whole 4x sport dead? Is nobody motivated to race, because the World Champs already took place? Is the Enduro format killing the 4x sport? Could the 4x management be better? Do the athletes themselves turn their own backs on the 4x sport, because they have to?

So many questions but I don’t want to answer them all – I just want to make you think about it. 

I can just tell you, the spectators love this format. It’s easy to watch, easy to understand and so easy to get infected by the amazing atmosphere. Even I can’t watch the mens’ heats before my own racing heats because I got so nervous and emotionally touched by this action. The JBC Crew worked their … off to make this 4x Pro Tour Gold event so perfect and there were only 42 men and 4 women. Seriously?? Of course the mens’ pro line wasn’t the easiest one, but the event has had the best media coverage for us athletes since a long time. So in my case of course I was there to represent my sponsors, the 4x sport and myself. I am very proud of my performance, because I was riding and training on a good level and it’s not my fault, that there was nearly nobody there to compete with. And if someone gives me shit about my first place, that it was easy, because we were not many women…. I just say just come here 2015 and do it better.

don’t look back …a new life begins…

It was a tough year for me. It started with the massiv crash on my head and a broken hand…thanks to my guardian angel who is obvious always around me… had a hard time to get over the crash ….my mind was playing games with me… go fast- dont risk too much..what is if you crash again on your head… all this things were in my head.. then I found slowly my way back…race schedule…get told from the national coach i am not good enough for the worlds…didn’t give up…raced great in Poland…got a place in the national team to start at the worlds in 4x…crashed in my qualification run….took time off in work to find myself again. Ihaven’t found myself yet but I am getting there.. I wish everyone out there a merry X mas and great start in 2013. Bye Bye Lene  merry-xmas.jpgyukon-und-ich.jpeg

Autum n Cup 3.0

The season is over and i found some time to take part in the „HERBSTCUP 3.0“. A very nice race serie around and in Vienna. I had so much fun and the tracks were amazing.
It’s great to see that someone does this and organize races like these to bring people together like us. Thanks to leo, mario, the truck drivers, otto for the entertaining concert…


4x European Championships

Hello everyone.Sorry for my late news…
I just wanted to give you a quick resume what happened the last weeks. I was competing at the downhill national champs in Schladming. I have to be honest the conditions where horrible for me and I had struggle to hold on, physical and mentally. It was very very muddy at race day and I was just trying to go not over the bar, which worked great for me but I was not happy about my time but I was okay with my 4th placement. I knew since my crash early this year I haven’t gotten my self-confidence back yet and I could feel it especially at this race very much. The pressure was on and I think first time in my race career I hated to race.
I knew if my performance wasn’t well I wouldn’t compete at the DH world champs in September. The national team manager wanted to decide after the race and he did. It was very embarrassing for me to get told in front of all the other riders that your performance was crap. I was very sad – sad about my racing- sad about the decision and sad about the fact that I won’t compete at the home country world champion ships in Leogang- …. The biggest thing for an athlete I guess.

I went home – got settled and thought no don’t give up; ask for a start place in 4x. I mean I am the number 8th of the world at this moment so reason enough to start I thought. But hmm not really I got another challenge to manage. I had to get top 8th at the European Champs in Poland. So my mission was – get ready and perfectly prepared. I got time of in my work, thanks for this to Michi – CICLOPIA the best boss ever. I asked my best friend Markus (on of the best BMX riders in Austria- for me the best☺ ) for coaching and I trained very hard- two times per day and I pushed myself to get my self-confidence back.

So after 3 ½ weeks rocky training I competed at the European Champs and I can say I haven’t never been so proud on myself than at this race. You have to understand most of the girls they have a “check list“ when they practice. We are not like the boys who always go easy over the big jumps in the first run. It’s like -okay first this jump then the other and the goal is to tick off all the points…I did that and it felt great. I got over my fear did the big jumps, fought and at the end I won the semi finals and placed 5th. And the happy end of this story is I GO TO THE WORLDS. YEAH mission completed.

Results women:

1st Katy Curd
2nd Anita Molcik
3rd Lucia Oetjen
4th Romana Labounkova
5th ME

People I want to say thank you: Christian from Hayes group who supported my in Schladming, Elias V. who let me stay in his camping Van in Schladming, to Mihai B. who trained with me in Schladming. Markus who trained me the last month, Rudi who pushed me over the biggest jump in Poland, the nice couple in Poland and Caroline B. who told me the right words in the right moment.
And of course all my sponsors who help me all the time.


you can see me on this video about minute 3


Sorry for the late news with facebook i sometimes forget to update my page in time. So for everyone you can follow my news also on facebook – missdownhill or „Helene Fruhwirth“I raced the IXS cup in Leogang, the World cup in Italy , the 4x Pro Tour race in Val di Sole, the IXS cup in Steinach, the 4 Pro Tour Final in Willingen and the Wheels of Speed race in Willingen. So a very tight schedule. To Sum it up I am on the way back, but I would need more luck sometimes…




my bikes… Moro- „Mbob“ and „Go“


My new DH bike: frame Moro Mbob in Large / Telemagenta colour
Fork: Manitou Dorado / Rear Shox: Manitou Revox Pro / Brakes: Hayes Prime / Rims: Sun Ringle ADD / Hubs: Sun Ringle / Handlebar: Answer Pro Taper / Stem: Answer DH / Seatpost: Acros / Headset: Acros / Saddle: San Marco / Outfit: Qloom helenewienerberg.jpg

My new 4x bike: frame Moro Go  / Lightgreen colour
Fork: Manitou Minute Pro 100mm / Brakes: Hayes Stroker / Rims: Sun Ringle Charger Pro / Hubs: Sun Ringle / Handlebar: Answer Pro Taper Carbon 720mm / Stem: Answer Dj / Seatpost: Acros / Headset: Acros / Saddle: San Marco / Outfit: Qloom

I can’t remember….

My training for the season went great. The winter didn’t really find its way to my area so it was dry and warm, so would I have wanted more? hmm maybe no crashing would have been perfect…I spent many hours on my new DH bike the mmBOB and the 4x Hardtail GO both from Moro. Apart from that I left the Team for doing my own thing again I had some sponsor changings so I am riding with Qloom clothes, Manitou forks and rear shock, Hayes brakes, Sun Ringle wheels, Answer handlbars and stems. The other sponsor stayed same, Michelin tires, San Marco saddles, Acros headsets and new now seatposts, Urbantool bags, Spy sunglasses and goggles, Iriedaily casual clothes, go pro helmet cams and Ciclopia the bike shop which supports me a lot.  I felt great and fit like never before (thanks to the fitness center Galaxy). Yes so super motivated and fit was keen do go wild…okay not super wild but anyway I felt good on my bike. But all ended quick in Kalnica a bike park in Slovakia. I can just remember to wave to Martin and the next thing which a I can remember is to wake up in the hospital on monday morning. I got told I crashed directly on my forehead, no arms stop the impact. The result was I had a little bruise in my head, memory loss, big headache, a broken metacarpal bone and a broken helmet and goggles. I had to stay 8 days in hospital just to make sure the blood spot is getting smaller in my brain. And so it did. Luckily I was allowed to leave and didn’t have to operate my hand. Back home now I can’t await to ride again.But I will not get bored I have always to do many things…. and i hope i will be ready for the nigh sprint at the Gadasee festival in Italy.. i will see. Fingers cross.


Commencal DH Supreme 2010 for sale in small in neon orange red

I sell my DH Frame from Commencal. I worked very well for me but I changed the company so here it is.. ready to leave. It has a nice color NEON orange RAL 2005. It is without the rear shock but it has completly new bearings and an acros head set. 900 Euro. ( without shipping/sending costs)

Please just write me if you really interested in it. ( i don’t change the frame for another one)


Merry X Mas- See you next year

The year is nearly over and to sum it up it was a great season for me. I survived my surgery and recovered very well and quick and raced the first year since a long time without pressure and expectations on myself. My first race and my first Enduro race this year was in Riva del Garda. The track wasn’t really a good one like I have heard but I tried my best and finished 16th. After this my next stop was the world champs in Leogang also my first 4x race this year. I was super motivated had great support and I my goal was to reach the finals, which I did. I said to myself losing isn’t an option and I felt strong, even with trainings deficits. This 4th place at the World champs is the biggest success in my career and I am proud on myself. 

The rest of the 4x season went also very good for me. I won the 4x Pro Tour in Val di Sole and in Jablonec. So I won the 4x Pro Tour Overall 2014. 
In the downhill discipline it could have been better. I had a puncture at the IXS cup in Schladming and at the Austrian national champs I didn’t find my pace. 

In August I had the pleasure to fly with my boyfriend to Vancouver. I took part at A Line race at Crankworx and enjoyed the endless jumptrails and DH trails in Whistler. 

After that the charity video project campaign “Voodoo Ride – We ride for those who can’t!” for Wings for Life got launched. Totally there were over 10.000 views, 15.000 clicks online and 400 people watched it at the cinema and it will be shown on an Austrian Sports TV channel.

That was pretty much my season. Lots of smiling,  lots of training and lots of working for this project, but it was worth.

I want to say big thanks to everyone who was there for me this year and also a big thanks to my sponsors, who always try the best to makes my athletes race life as easy as possible. And thanks to those who donated for the project.

Bye Bye Helene

Val di Sole….4x Pro Tour…can’t say it in words how happy Iam…love my life


The last two weeks I took part in 2 4X Pro Tour races. One was in Scotland, Fort William and the other one in Italy,Val di Sole.

I really like Fort William. It’s always great to be there and the crowed is just amazing. The track was also nice but very stony and difficult to ride at the beginning. I had a 6th place in qualify. I wasn’t that satisfied because I know I could do better. So on race day I wanted to do much better and practiced well..felt good and motivated.. had Dougie Pryce on my side a local rider who was so nice and helped me out there a lot… In my first heat I had a flat so I didn’t reach the finals… It was very stressful…. run up get the tire changed..and start again but I stayed focused … and in my second heat (semi-final) I got second behind Anneke Beerten. I was satisfied with my run and performance.

After Fort William I flew home worked few days and left again for the World cup in Val di Sole. This times my friend Birgit went with me. What an enrichment she is a very funny and positive person exactly that what I need to relax. The weather was just perfect .The track was like every year apart from too much gravel in the berms…too much…My qualification run went all right got 4th but hmm wanted more or knew there is more possible. My first heat was everything then good I made one big mistake and was at the 3rd position, but I did a very good passing manoeuvre on the last stone section and so I reached the finals. I was so happy and relieved.

In my final heat (Katy Curd 1st ,Celine Gros 2nd Lucia Oetjen 3rd) I had the outside start position. I know I have good gates and so my plan was to cut in so did I. I bounced a little bit together with Lucia but still was in front of here and stayed on the back wheel of the other two. I finished 3rd. I think I haven’t been so happy for so long just couldn’t stop smiling. This was my first 4x Pro Tour Podium ever and then 3rd. Champagne Shower was on… I want to thank Martin (my long time mechanic who is always on my side when I really need him, he just knows me so well…) then Birgit who was my lucky charm all weekend long and of course all my sponsors.

The next weeks I will swap back on my DH bike a bite. The national champs are soon..

bye bye Helene



nr-3a-2013.jpg nr-3b-2013.jpg

What a pleasure.

The only bear I met 🙁

The last weeks were one of nicest of my race season so far. After the win at the 4x Pro Tour race in Jablonec and the win of overall 4x Pro Tour I travelled straight to Canada – Vancouver- WHISTLER. But this time I rode with my big bike. The Alutech Sennes. At the same time CRANKWORX was on. Crankworx is THE MTB EVENT you have to see one day in your life, if you like MTB. The event program is amazing. Go Pro Diaries/ Deep Summer/ Enduro World cup/ Slopestyle – Joyride/ Dual Air and Style/ Garbonzo DH/ Canadian Open DH / Pumptrack /Dual /Whip off Championships and ALINE Air race.

I took part at the ALINE race. I had so much fun racing there even my placement wasn’t the best. I had two amazing weeks in one of the best MTB Park in the world so I can’t complain. We were riding everyday. I caught up with my friend Caroline Buchanan and her boyfriend. I celebrated my birthday with my boyfriend.
I don’t know how many times we rode the Freight train- Dirt Merchant- A-LINE track (my favourite tracks) The over 100 jumps are perfectly shaped and you can jump so high and far without even realizing it. My big goal for this trip was to learn a whip and I have to be honest I have to keep learning, but I am getting there. I wished we would have something similar in Europe or even better near my hometown.

No I am back in Austria and very busy already. The time when an athlete can just ride and train is a thing of the past. Sometimes I miss the times without social media and smart phones.
On the one side it is good to have Facebook/ Instagram /youtube/ vimeo /twitter etc. it helps to represent yourself better and you can be creative and show that you have also other skills then racing fast and you can show who you are. But on the other side it means you have to swap your bike with your MAC too often. So the last days I sit in front of my MAC, designing, emailing and planning everything for the presentation for the movie project Voodoo Ride on different social media partners and the eurobike.

Thanks to my sponsors and Aumayer Druck Verlag who made this trip possible

4x Pro Tour First win ever :-)

Last weekend I raced at the 4x Pro Tour Gold event in Val di Sole (Italy). I have been here many times, so I knew the track very well and I felt confident to win this race.
We arrived  earlier to enjoy also the area and the sports activities here. So we went wild water rafting, which I always wanted to do and never have had time. It was so much fun.
On Thursday and Friday I trained on the track and on Friday I had my qualification run. Surprisingly I wasn’t nervous at all.  I knew with a solid run I can be the first, so I stayed relaxed and it turned out well. I hit the lines I wanted and even on this slippery gravel turns, my Michelin tires sticked on. I placed first with 2,7 sec advantage.
On Saturday evening we had just 3 heats, because we were not as many women as I wished. I had good gates and good runs and I won the half finals and the finals.
That win was my first 4x Pro Tour win ever and I was very happy about my result and about my performance. Second got Alia Marccelini (ITA), third Natalia Piwowarczy (POL). The next weekend I will be in Saalbach at the Bike and Beats festival and will take part at the Dual Slalom event.
Thanks to all my sponsors.
Bye Bye Helene and see you in Saalbach – AUT (Bike and Beats festival)
Check out this video if you want to see me in action and speaking  🙂

World Champs in Leogang 4th place

This weekend I raced in Leogang the 4x World champs and turned out to be the biggest thing in my racing career.
It was an emotional roller coaster for me. I haven’t raced four cross since the last year and because of my brain surgery I couldn’t prepare myself perfectly like normal and road my bike about 4 times before I went there.
The practice on thursday and friday went allright but I felt lost on the track. Spent too much time on the upper part and should have trained more the last rock section. There I made a mistake in my qualification run, I lost so much momentum that I nearly fall over. The time was still okay I placed 5th behind Anneke B, Steffi Marth, Caty Curd and Lucia Oetjen. Totally we were 16th girls.
In the night from friday to saturday I felt asleep very late. I though too much about my mistake and my outside gate pick.
On raceday I tried to get my motivation back and get focused. I told myself that I am gonna be in the finals. All or nothing. I have wanted it so bad like never before.
In the half finals I raced against Anneke, Lucia and Julia and I know this gonna be a difficult heat but in the first turn I went inside and got behind Anneke and Lucia was just a litte bit behind me and so at the second left turn I went inside and I nearly went down with Lucia because she pushed hard to pass me. But I won this battle and she went down. So I advanced in the next round. At this was the FINALS!!!! I was so happy already. In that heat I had to race against Anneke, steffi and Katy. I had the last gate pick and stayed behind Steffi Marth (3rd) Anneke and Katy jumped the first pro Line and Katy the second pro Line too. Big respect to her – she won the gold medal. Anneke 2nd and Marth 3rd. I just can say after this last 8 month the 4 th place is for me like a gold medal.

Thanks to: Cri, Georg and Matte who helped my out this weekend with being my mechanic.
Thanks to all my sponsors, who believes in me and my friends and family, who are always there for me.

Media Coverage:

Mein Bezirk Salzburg

This is the most interesting Link:  SPORT BILD Video –

Alutech 4x Bike
World Champs – Happy face
happy face…
Thanks to Go Pro for the support

Georg S. the filmer Watch out for the Leogang documentary „True Racing“
my sweet heart was of course with me
lot of G forces in the first turn
Final Start. Me, Katy Curd, Steffi Marth, Anneke Beerten