Bella Italia- testing my new bike

Ciao bella, how they say here. yes I am in Italy for some training days, in the region Ligure. After I tried to finish my work at home I drove to Italy by myself. From Mödling to Graz I had a traveller passenger. But the other 10 hours I drove alone. I choose the car because I have to go to Milano to see my sponsor, SPY, after.
I was very tired from stressing myself out the days before. Since I am here in Italy I sleep every minute when I am not training. I don’t know why? Maybe I have to get all the sleep back which I have been missing the last weeks. Elisa is already calling me an old women…
I stay with Elisa from at her place. It’s a nice town and direct on the sea.
The landscape and the little towns are so beautiful, all the little and narrow roads, the old churches and all the old cobblestones made by hand hundreds of years ago give these middle ages town a specific charme. Its quite edilic apart from the weather. It obviously had it in for us. It snowed it down all day and of the top of the hills the ground were frozen and slippery.
I did some runs on thuesday morning but then the shuttle stopped, it was too cold and the other riders had to go home.
It was my second day on a DH bike since a long long time. The first I was with Martin, my mechanic in Bratislava on the last sunday and he helped me to adjust the rear and front suspension. I am running the FOx 40 and the DHx RC4. The rear works already perfect for me but the fork not yet. I don’t know which spring I should run. The purple one is a little bit to soft and the next harder one, the blue one, is to stiff. I will see I have time to test it now.
Yesterday we were in Pievo de Teco. I was there two years ago. It is nice track. A lot of burms and it was fun to ride it with Elisa and her friends. Today we will go again.
bye bye LENE